Saturday, 17 June 2017


Hi jammers! I didn't really know WHAT to name this post so I just called it "'Ello". XD This post is gonna be jumping around a lot, and won't really have a main topic!
Just in case you missed this in my last post:  I WILL BE POSTING EVERY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY.
OK, I hope you didn't miss that this time! ;D First of all let's start off with the sad part of this post:
Now, isn't that just sad? A tired jammer was asking for lemonade in the Diamond Shop this morning, but no one gave him any! That was extremely random, but I guess watch out for jammers who are tired and want lemonade in the Diamond Shop. XD. Oh yes, and............... Have you heard about AJschool? It's a jammer who's user is AJschool and their den is a school. I tried to go there but THE ROOM WAS FULL!!! D:( I'm not very happy... Well, here's my school animal!
It's supposed to look like a nerd... To tell the truth I don't really know what a nerd looks like.... I don't think my animal looks like a nerd... Oh well.
My new themed den I'm working on iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssss................
 A SKI LODGE!!! I'm using the Winter Palace Den and it's not going very well yet. If a random person could donate winter items to me that would be great....? OK, I'm just being greedy, you don't have to! XD. Yeah, I know it's the middle of summer, but I sorta miss skiing. XD Yes, I know that's weird. Here's some new art I did by the way!
It's a unicorn drawing I did. I'm not that happy with the shape. To tell the truth I think it's sorta fat... XD.
And, I just wanna say... The Summer Masterpiece Contest in CANCELED because NO. ONE. ENTERED. Oh well...
Well, that's it for today jammers! I'm feeling unusually hyper today, I HAVE NO IDEA WHY!!!
Here's the funny picture of the day:
 I guess that's it for today, jammers! SEEYA!!!
~ Iluvsnowdrop

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