Sunday, 25 June 2017

Chapter five for Zios Through the Portal is up!!!

Hi jammers! I couldn't really think of a good post today, so I just wrote another chapter of Zios Through the Portal! In this chapter the Alphas and Peck get introduced into the story!! YAY! XD
Now, to make this post A BIT longer, I want to talk about the Jamaa Helpers. The Jamaa Helpers was a small group I made for people to help jammers in need and stop inappropriate jammers or jammers who bully. The Jamaa Helpers are supposed to make Jamaa a better place, but... Only two people have joined! I've seen a lot of sad jammers and  bullies around Jamaa and tried my best to stop them or make them feel better. I need help though!
So, if you want to change things around Jamaa ( in a good way! XD) Then don't be shy to come and join The Jamaa Helpers!  Go to...The Jamaa Helpers to join!
Thank you ANYONE who has joined or is thinking of joining, and thank you anyone who has done something good like helped a jammer in need, stopped bullies and stopped inappropriate jammers!
Now, here's the funny picture of the day....
What in this picture isn't right?
Comment below if you see it! Also, comment what you think of Zios Through the Portal!!!
~ Iluvsnowdrop
P.s Remember, you don't have to be in the Jamaa Helpers to do good things in Jamaa!

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